on Friday, March 13, 2009

I love you and I am there!

Almost every person in this world has certain dream of a perfect relationship and certain fear of a successful break up. Whenever I look around my self over break ups that were at some point of time good relations, I always find one factor in most of them.

“He/She is perfect for me but at times (or always) is not there for me when I need him/her the most”

Relations make us share a lot of stuff with the person we date. And then that becomes gradual and any change or absence in this thing sets the trigger to rotten a relation.

The reasons for not being there may be many, different career paths, long distance, different work schedules and etc and etc.

This is natural also in the highly career oriented life our generation lives in. Our dear and compatible friends won’t be always around us as at some point or the other our professional and personal priorities become all the more important than our friends. Hence that’s why we start looking towards “Mr. /Miss One” more and more often. We want him/her to be with us when we need him/her. We start wanting that “Mr. / Miss One” to be the first person in our calling list in case of an emergency or a problem. This is the time when the other three words “I am there” become more important than “I love you”.

On one hand we want to be independent today but on other hand we yearn for a trusting dependence on someone. Does that mean that this independence is relative?


Unknown said...

Relative Independence. I guess I agree and in a very acute manner. I believe its more like the fear of "loneliness" overpowering the strengths of "independence" among general population.