on Sunday, March 30, 2008


Relations( romantic I mean here) is one word which always arouse my feelings towards it, be it the time I see a couple together, or whenever I read or think of it. It’s one of the areas where I want to devote my understanding, my efforts, and my care to make something beautiful. But seeing both good relations and those breaking apart, I am somehow never clear what makes things grow into togetherness and what makes them torn apart. One enters a relation, or calls being with someone a relation when you feel an intimacy towards someone of all forms. We call being in relation with someone when the two care for each other, understand the happiness of each other and feel a sense of completeness which was not there when they were not together. Everyone one of us deep within their hearts wants someone with whom they can share their moments, get a safe comfort feel in their closeness.

A thing that for granted comes with relation is expectation. We want the other person to know what we want; we want him to be present when we are sad or happy. But this expectation can be dangerous at times to each other. It may be practical to say but its true that two persons can never comprehend each other fully. Individuality always exists and one must respect this. There can be times when we want the person to be with us, but he/she may have some prior commitments and may react or be present the way we expected. This definitely has to be mutually understood, even if one fails to, the other must do at least for the sake of companionship which is greater than all fights and misunderstandings. Relations sour most often when this doesn’t happen. Ego has to be placed side by most of the times.

Being together and sharing stuff is good definitely but respect for each other’s space is also important. This should be done carefully keeping intact the honesty towards each other. Even if one of the partners feels that his freedom is getting curtailed, the end is nearby only and can’t be for long avoided.

Love is beautiful, yet complex and not at all taken to be granted if you want something serious and trustworthy in life.

God bless all great lovers!!