on Sunday, September 20, 2009

I have finally settled into this city, with a new house, flat mates, colleagues, specific job training started and so on. And to admit I have started liking this new life and also the surroundings where it is dwelling. It’s a lot different from college. I am independent in many senses and responsible for my own livelihood and that’s really a big thing. Working for five days and then trying to find ways to have good evenings after work and good weekends occupies a lot of my thoughts these days. The city is good in many ways especially the weather which is amazing. I can take a walk whenever I want during the day and it’s difficult to feel the sweat here. It is a crowded non metro and the traffic is mind blowing. It is different from Delhi but it is not hard to have a satisfying life here. My office is good and has a very open work culture which I like a lot.

Hope to have a lot of interesting memories here. Here I am to live and work Bangalore.