on Friday, July 07, 2006

Last night ,I went to the lakeside beach with my friends.Itwas all dark and hardly any activity can be sensed of.Theonly thing that can be heard of was the sound of water,it wasvery loud like a roar but I dont know why,but to me itappeared very pleasant.It had a driving force impelled withinit.I started walking on the water and went a bit further inwater.The water was all chilled but I was not feelingcold(here I must mention that I am very sensitive tocold).There was a smooth sensation arising within myself thatwas compelling me to stay there only.There was a calm feelingarising within myself in the midst of the noise of tideswhich just made me thoughtless for sometime.I just didntwanted to go back.I was writing something or the other on thesand and then waiting for the water to clear every inch of itand then I was back doing the same activity again.It was abit difficult to believe that anything can have so much powerto arouse patience to this extent.I didnt wanted to go a fewsteps back where the sand would dry off all water and at thesame time that silent,innocent feeling,everything would justturn into a memory only. But that night I sincerely realised that everything hasits beauty and importance in its place only.The more you stepaway from it ,the more frequently your association with it iswashed away by the tides of time and all is left are justmemories of moments to cherish.But thats the only way tomould one's self into new bonds ,no matter whether the newphases are better or worse but they are necessary if one hasto move ahead.Life is like that only and carries all it'sbeauty and strength in this nature only.......


FR@UD said...

sahi yar,tum bhi blogging par ab.